A Blast from the Past

((This is an excerpt of the first story in the old City of Heroes MMO that I joined. I can’t thank everyone in that game enough.  They showed me how much fun a cooperative game is.))

“OK”, said Flash-Over, “Plan B”. “What’s that?”, I said. Jack just tackled me and screamed “‘Kickers down!” Then the whole world went up. My legs, where Jack hadn’t been able to cover me with the tackle, felt like they had just been dipped in molten lava. I screamed as the pain hit me. A pulse of heat-generated pressure hammered the breath out of me.… [READ MORE]

State of the Submission

Currently, Glass Bottles (or whatever the eventual name will be), is in review.  It’s expected that there will be two more edits and reviews to iron out any logic gaps and story bumps.  In the meantime I’m going over book two, and doing some short story writing for fun.  I don’t think any of the shorts will be published, but you never know.  I just like the chance to try out ideas.… [READ MORE]

Glass Bottles Teaser

Zhirk turned Hervald over. A small bottle clung to the side of his hand. I squatted down to get a better view. It was made of an odd looking metallic glass. A small cork stopper lay on the floor.

I looked Hervald over carefully. His eyes were open and glassy. Spittle dribbled from the corner of his mouth, dripping to the carpet and soaking slowly in. His chest rose and fell shallowly, so he wasn’t dead. It was like no one was home at all. I looked again at the bottle and sounded out a small spell to see if … [READ MORE]