Hell Storm Challenge Story 4



The swirling chaos spun up into a tight multi-colored vortex, spinning and gathering more magic. The top of the funnel glowed like a rainbow as magic, condensed and drawn into the top of the spinning chaos left off bursts of light that traveled along the lines of power. The colors spun around the axis, giving the storm a ghastly greenish tinge where it rested on the earth. The fury that the spinning tornado of magic was terrifying, and worst of all to Logan Spooner, was the complete silence. Not a single peep or whistle of noise accompanied the … [READ MORE]

1000 word challenge #3


Engineer 1st class Michelle “Mickie” O’Herne walked across the floating dry dock towards debriefing. Her demeanor was calm but as anyone who knew her, that was akin to watching an approaching storm. One of her fellow engineers winced sympathetically as she strode past in her dress uniform. The deep blue weather coat hung down to her ankles against the cold air and cinched at the waist with a ceremonial tool belt, and up with lapels opened showing an immaculate white shirt with the Medal of Valor showing at her throat. Her hands and arms were protected by Heavy … [READ MORE]

Thousand word challenge 2

Here’s the latest challenge and the picture.

“So what have you come here for? No one would come into a Dragon’s lair unless they were confident and/or desperate.”

The creature in question’s body was easily twenty paces long from the tip of it’s snout to the base of it’s tail, with said tail being another twenty paces in length. The creature was resting on its’ back partially propped up against the cave wall it’s rear legs stretched out lazily as it’s right hand held a dragon-sized pipe. It set the pipe in it’s fanged mouth and inhaled deeply, the bowl … [READ MORE]

1000 word challenge

Hi!  It’s been a while.  A really really long while, eh?  Anyways, it’s been very hard to get back into writing, and a friend suggested this challenge to spark me.  It worked so I wanted to share this story and see how well a first attempt after four years of pretty much nothing creative happening. The idea was to craft a 1000 word story from a picture.  Below is the picture in question, and below that is the story.  I hope it entertains.


Snow fell lightly upon the wooded rocky terrain as David Jacks fell backward from the impact … [READ MORE]

Dragon Zombies of the Kuiper Belt – Opening

The tribes and races of man believe the god Kuiper created the cosmos and the stars. The material left behind became the belt that surrounded the solar system of Trine, protecting it from the fiends of the dark. The god Kuiper supposedly created the Belt, the wall of moving glittering rock seen as a line of white in the Dark. He created dragons, immortal guardians of the belt to protect Trine, cradle and home to the races. It was the dragons who were there to destroy any of the outer dark that found its way through Kuiper’s belt. Dragons are [READ MORE]

Maybe a revelation?

I got to thinking about light speed and came to perhaps a different conclusion than the accepted norm. As something approaches the speed of light, time slows down around it. The limiting factor might not be speed but time. If you exceed the speed of light, would time stop? Would it reverse itself? I doubt the latter but the first may be possible. There is a speed barrier at the speed of light, much like how there was a barrier to the speed of sound for aircraft flight. I don’t know what it will take to exceed it, but I … [READ MORE]

Review of ‘Choose Your Truth’ by Jo Miles

‘Choose Your Truth’ by Jo Miles is a very dystopian look at ‘market share’ of the viewing public. The story begins with a look inside one of these companies and a meeting on how to decide to regain their lost market share to rival companies and how they are influencing the public with lurid bits of information that may or may not be factual.

The pacing is steady with an undercurrent of insecurity because no one’s job is truly safe unless the market share increases. There is a small group that opposes the large conglomerates of media distribution, but they … [READ MORE]

Review of ‘Snail’s Pace’ by Susan McDonough-Wachtman

‘Snail’s Pace’ by Susan McDonough-Wachtman has two interesting adages which define it. The first being ‘Be careful what you wish for because it could come true’ and ‘In any situation, endeavor to keep an open mind’. The first comes true very quickly, and the latter is a constant struggle for the protagonist Susannah Maureen Chambers McKay, as she learns that her new employers are aliens. Not foreigners with a different language but ALIENS, from another world. The governer is intent on having her teach diplomacy to his son and this is where keeping an open mind continues to be a … [READ MORE]

Review – The True Son by Vanessa McLaren-Wray

‘The True Son’ by Vanessa McLaren-Wray is definitely a teaser, a short story that directly points to her novel ‘Shadows of Insurrection’. It is also a good short standalone story that sets the stage for your imagination to wonder at the world of Jeska and what else might go on beyond the small glimpse of the life of a purchased ‘son of the king’. The main character is a son purchased from a father who struggled after his wife died to care for his son. In order to provide a better chance in life, he sold the child to the … [READ MORE]

Review of ‘A Classic Beginner’s Mistake’ by Philip Brewer

‘A Classic Beginner’s Mistake’ is an interesting title in the sense it’s about a situation that is minor to the story but does encompass the entirety of the story. The main character is a fencer, currently closer to a beginner than a master swordsman. Asking a question prompted by his instructor Odessa Rae Clover, to swordmaster Vergil whom he was reporting to in order to correct a problem, Trevo was told by Vergil that if he wanted the answer he would have to fight for it.

The story is well crafted and detailed enough to help the reader through the … [READ MORE]